Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

Need for body contouring surgery after weight loss surgery is not pre-determined. It depends on your BMI prior to the weight loss surgery, your age, genes and skin type and muscle tone prior to the surgery and your physical activity after your bariatric surgery.

However to lose the excess weight and still not be in comfort because of the excess skin is not the best solution. Body contouring surgeries can help you achieve the figure you have always desired and wear clothes that you have always dreamed about!

In order to assess, whether you need a cosmetic surgery after your weight loss surgery it is usually recommended to wait until you have reached your target weight and to keep it for 4-6 months. It can take from 15 up to 24 months and definitely not earlier than a year after your weight loss surgery.

The most popular cosmetic procedures after the weight loss surgery are:

  • Liposuction – the procedure is used to remove smaller amounts of fat from hips and thighs, flatten the abdomen, shape the calves and ankles or eliminate a double chin.
  • Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty - a surgical procedure to remove excess skin, tighten abdominal muscles and to flatten the abdomen.
  • Breast lift, augumentation, reduction, form correction – to achieve a desired look of your breasts.
  • Buttock contouring/lift – lifting or reshaping the buttocks for smoother and tighter look.
  • Arm lift - to tighten and take the eccess skin off your arms.

We at Weight Loss Latvia are happy to offer our bariatric patients cosmetic surgeries by a modern, certified, professional and skilled cosmetic / plastic / micro surgerons of Aesthetica Clinic in Riga. 

In order to apply for the online consultation with a cosmetic surgeon, please contact Ilva Urbanovica @Weight Loss Latvia. 


1) contact us and send required information (medical information and photos),

2) we will book an online consultation with a plastic surgeon (55 EUR)

3) we will provide you the cost of the planned surgery package (meet&greet, transfers, health examinations, surgery, recovery)

4) you come for your cosmetic surgery to Riga, Latvia


Fulfill your dream about a beautiful body!

Tummy tuck surgery by Dr. Marta Rudakovska.

“There is a very, very pleasant excitement about the future!” 💛 The smiling and energetic Ance tells us about her experience and long journey to a slim waist. How did she come to such a decision about the operation and how was the consultation with plastic and microsurgeon Dr. Marta Rudakovska - watch in this exciting experience video! If you also have such a problem - be sure to come and talk to one of our Aesthetica professional surgeons!